Welfare support officer: Support from the Federation and other unions

Support from the unions

Any individual who is under investigation can also get support from the Police Federation or union that they are part of. This is on top of the support you will give them as a welfare support officer.

There are some obvious similarities between the welfare support officers’ role and that offered by Federation or union colleagues. The natural relationship between the two roles often results in them complimenting and supporting each other. It should be noted however that not all officers and staff are in unions and in some cases, even when they are, they may decline the services provided.

Individuals can access this support by contacting their local branch.

Below are links to some of the main unions for police officers and staff.

Police Federation: The role of a friend – Regulation 7

The Police Federation of England and Wales have their own scheme - 'friends'.

A 'friend' is a federation representative who can accompany a police officer at any conduct investigatory interview at any of the stages of both the conduct and performance proceedings. 

What can a 'friend' do? A friend can: 

  • Advise the police officer throughout the proceedings under both the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008 and the Police (Performance) Regulations 2008.
  • Where covered under the Federation fund rules and when entitled to have legal representation present within the stages of either Conduct or Performance Interviews the “Friend” can advise on how to gain legal representation and completion of relevant paperwork.
  • They can make representations to the appropriate authority concerning any aspect of the proceedings under the Conduct and Performance Regulations.
  • They can accompany a police officer to any interview, meeting or hearing, which forms part of any proceedings under the Conduct or Performance Regulations.