Peer support for wellbeing

Our peer support training programme provides forces with all they need to be able to implement a robust and fully functioning peer support network. Including training for Peer Support Coordinators, Peer Support Champions and Peer Supporters.

Our aim is to create a consistent, national approach to peer support and a national network of trained peer supporters.

Page updated on 2 January 2025

What is peer support?

Peer support is when people use their own experiences to help each other. It is different from the specialist, tailored help you might receive from a GP, counsellor or therapist but can still be effective.

The aim of peer support is to:

  • bring together people with shared experiences who can support each other
  • provide a confidential space where you feel accepted and understood
  • treat everyone's experiences as being equally important
  • encourage both giving and receiving support.

With peer support, everyone's views and experiences are equally valued. No one is seen as being more of an expert than anyone else. It's not always about getting or giving advice. It is sometimes just about having a safe space to get things off our chest.

How peer support can help

Police peer supporters will have experience and knowledge of police work and culture, with lived experiences of dealing with a variety of life’s challenges. Lots of people find peer support improves their mental wellbeing and helps them cope. For example, it could:

  • help you to open up about what you are feeling and experiencing
  • introduce you to ideas and approaches that others have found helpful
  • reassure you that you're not alone in how you are feeling
  • help you to connect with others and give you a sense of belonging
  • encourage you to value your strengths
  • build your self-esteem and confidence
  • help you to feel more hopeful about the future.

Is peer support right for me?

It’s completely normal to find it difficult to open up, and you may feel nervous about sharing your experiences with others. Peer support can often be a helpful first step. Remember, the process of peer support is about speaking to someone with shared experiences, so the person you’re speaking to probably feels (or has felt) the same way you do.

You are in control of a peer support session, and it is entirely up to you how much you share – but before seeking peer support, you might want to think about whether it’s right for you and what you want to get from it.

Things to think about:

  • Peer support is a confidential process and is based on everyone being treated with fairness, respect and understanding.
  • Peer support can be a two-way process so it’s important to think carefully about how you’re feeling. Could it be difficult to hear about other people’s experiences? While it can be helpful to hear how other people have coped, there might be times when it’s triggering or upsetting for you.
  • Remember that you'll be hearing people's personal experiences and strategies, and, that what worked for them, may not be right for you. 
  • How much support you give and receive can vary depending on what feels right for you at different times.
  • Although many people find peer support helpful, not everyone does – and that’s ok!
  • Some people find peer support useful at some times and not others. If you try it and it hasn't helped, that’s not your fault, it's important not to blame yourself.
  • If it's not the right thing for you now, you will still be able to access it in the future if you want to.

How peer support links in with other live services we offer.

Peer support is one of the foundations on which our Peer Debriefing Model courses is based on. Trained peer supporters are eligible to undertake our Peer Debriefing Model training courses.  

Seeking peer support

If you are interested in seeking peer support, contact your force wellbeing team who will be able to point you in the right direction – you’ll often find peer supporter or wellbeing team details on your intranet.

If your force doesn’t currently have a peer support team, they can contact us and talk to someone about creating a peer support network in force.

Our peer support model

Our peer support model is based on comprehensive international research from Canada, Australia and America and was developed with 14 Home Office forces from England and Wales who worked with us on its design.  

It is a robust and evidence-based peer support model and is now available to forces in the form of train the trainer workshops, materials, tools and guidance to help them implement the model locally.

All police forces are eligible to become a national police wellbeing service (NPWS) peer support force, provided they adhere to the recruitment and selection criteria of the agreed model, together with the implementation of specified training as a minimum. 

To enable the model to function effectively each force needs to provide a dedicated peer support coordinator (or equivalent) and to ensure that all peer supporters are afforded the correct level of support whether that be clinical or supervision.

We provide a wellbeing coordinators course which is detailed below and the expectation is that the people who attend the training and receive the implementation pack will deliver the peer support model in their force with support from the NPWS team. 

Our peer support training

We offer training to individuals who want to be peer supporters, peer support champions and peer support coordinators.

The peer support training programme will provide a force with everything they need to implement a peer support network including:

  • recruitment and selection process material
  • a business case document for peer support and supporting presentation.
  • internal communication messages and promotional material

For the initial peer support training we offer a two-day face to face training at your organisation or a 1-day online training via Microsoft Teams 

For the Peer Support Champion role, we offer self-learning modules online via the Oscar Kilo Website

For the Peer Support Coordinator role we offer a 1 day online training via Microsoft Teams

We also offer a half day online via Microsoft Teams Peer Support Refresher training. 

The benefits

This service aims to improve the quality and consistency of peer support nationally specifically to improve the wellbeing of staff.

A trained and supported peer support network will build on services already available through current occupational health and wellbeing initiatives. 

New peer support training

Peer support champion course

Our peer support champion course will give you the knowledge to conduct the role of a champion in a more structured way. We explain how you can give supervision for supporters which is a vital channel of communication. It gives supporters mutual support and offers the ability for someone to gain insights, new perspectives and offers a place where someone can receive feedback and the opportunity to learn from other people’s experiences. It is ideal for a champion to be someone who has been a peer supporter in the past. Using the skills and knowledge they have used as a peer supporter will make the transition to a champion a lot easier as they will be used to providing that 1 to 1 support to officers, staff, and volunteers in that timely manner, they will be used to responding to requests from peers and the peer support coordinator. 

Peer support coordinators course

Our peer support coordinators course will give you an understanding of how to set up, implement, recruit peer support within your organisation and how to keep it energised. It is a one-day course delivered on MS Teams.

Peer support refresher course

Our peer support refresher course is designed to enhance your knowledge of peer support which will also help you build on your self-care and resilience skills. This training aims to refresh and enhance the skills of existing peer supporters and teach them how to implement self-care plans to assist colleagues they are supporting. This is a half day course delivered on MS Teams.

How to access our peer support training

For dates of upcoming courses please go to events.

If you want to know more about how to access our peer support training and to discuss the implementation of a peer support network in your force, please get in touch.

Contact us

Peer supporter member page

Once you have become an Oscar Kilo peer supporter, we will give you access to our peer supporter member page.

How to access the member page

  1. You will need to create an Oscar Kilo account using the login area at the top right of this website.
  2. Login to your Oscar Kilo account and use the button below to access the the member page. (You need to login first or you will see an access denied message.)

Enter member page

OK9 dog handlers

The peer support course has been designed specifically for people who are offering support to colleagues on their own or with a K9 friend. If you are thinking of becoming part of the OK9 network, there is a requirement that all handlers will complete this course.

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