COVID-19 signposts

Published 25 Mar 2020
Written by
Oscar Kilo
National Police Wellbeing Service
Reading time
5 mins

Throughout the pandemic you will see lots of information on the web and social media and you may be unsure on what is the best advice. We have put together a list of trusted organisations where you can get the most up to date national guidance on coronavirus.

If you have symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature, loss of taste and/or smell, or a new, continuous cough), use the 111 coronavirus service.

Recovering from COVID-19

The NHS has put together guidance on recovering from COVID-19 and dealing with the after-effects of the virus.

Advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO)

WHO specific mental health advice (downloads)


Additional resources relating to COVID-19 and mental health


Other sources to access COVID-19 information


Advice from charities

Our Frontline is a new service formed by Samaritans, Mind, Shout and Hospice UK, supported by The Royal Foundation, providing round-the-clock support to all of those going to work as part of the national response to the coronavirus. Our Frontline gives all of these workers the opportunity for 1-2-1 support for their mental health over the phone or text and through specially developed online resources, toolkits, and advice.