New long COVID guidance for police forces published

Published 12 Mar 2025
Written by
Oscar Kilo
National Police Wellbeing Service
Reading time
2 mins

A new guidance document from the National Police Wellbeing Service has been made available to assist forces in addressing the individual and organisational challenges of long COVID.

The guidance is intended to help police forces support officers and staff affected by long COVID by bringing together the latest research, workplace strategies, and practical recommendations to assist those managing the impact of post-COVID syndrome.

Understanding Long COVID in Policing. Long COVID affects approximately 2 million people in the UK, including police personnel. It presents a range of debilitating symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive impairment, breathlessness, and joint pain, which can significantly impact work performance and daily life. While most individuals recover over time, some require long-term workplace support.

This new guidance provides a framework for forces to create a consistent, evidence-based approach to managing long COVID. It acknowledges that every case is unique and that individualised support is essential.

Key recommendations. The guidance outlines several key areas for consideration:

  • Workplace adjustments: Forces should consider reasonable adjustments, including flexible working arrangements, reduced hours, and modified duties, to accommodate affected staff.
  • Managerial and Occupational Health support: A proactive approach from line managers and occupational health teams is crucial. Regular reviews and clear support plans should be implemented.
  • Trust and transparency: Forces are encouraged to recognise long COVID as a disabling condition without requiring medical proof of a positive test. Trust in employees' experiences is essential for effective support.
  • Health and wellbeing resources: The document highlights the importance of signposting officers and staff to available wellbeing support, including access to rehabilitation programs.
  • Data and policy development: Forces should collect and share data on long COVID cases to inform national policy and best practices.

Addressing stigma and isolation - One of the key themes from the guidance is the need to reduce stigma. Some police personnel have reported feeling disbelieved or unsupported in their recovery journey. Creating an open culture where long COVID sufferers feel safe to seek help is critical. Sharing personal experiences and best practices across forces will help build awareness and improve outcomes.

Practical application for forces - The guidance is not a set of rigid rules but a resource that forces can adapt to their specific needs. It encourages early occupational health intervention, collaborative case management, and clear communication between HR, managers, and affected individuals.

Moving forward - As new research emerges, the approach to long COVID in policing will continue to evolve. The National Police Wellbeing Service remains committed to working with forces to refine support mechanisms and ensure all officers and staff receive the assistance they need.

The full guidance document is now available to download from the Oscar Kilo website using the button below

Access the guidance