Quiet rooms

The role of an investigator can be high stress and the team dynamic can contribute to this during times of high pressure.  With busy stations that are often overcrowded, space is at a premium and it can be difficult to find a place for quiet reflection. 

To support this, Merseyside Police created designated quiet rooms that act as safe spaces that officers and staff can use to calm the mind.

How it works

Firstly, we identified rooms that would be suitable for such a space and that could be utilised for reflection time. 

We then engaged colleagues on what they would like to see in the space and what they felt would contribute to calming and peaceful environment.

We engaged with our estates team and secured funding to purchase furnishings and to enable redecoration. We sourced comfortable chairs, new soft furnishings and included an aromatherapy diffuser. We also purchased a docking station so that users could play calming music or guided meditation tracks.

A key challenge was securing the room from estates management as space is at a premium. However, with a strong business case, we were able to secure a suitable room.

We were also required to consider health and safety requirements such as fire regulations, as well as issuing guidance on the use of the rooms to ensure we met with legislative requirements.

Overall, we had excellent feedback from colleagues who continue to utilise the room for reflection and time out. The idea has also been shared more broadly across the organisation with other areas taking up similar initiatives.

Top tips for implementation

Tip 1
Engage your team in deciding what they would like to see in the quiet room, so that it is led by the workforce.
Tip 2
Engage estates management at the earliest stage to ensure compliance with regulations.
Tip 3
Secure funding early so that you have an idea of expenditure.
Budget required


Ease of implementation


Impact on investigators
