Nutrition for wellbeing: Seven days of healthy eating

Published 15 Jan 2024
Written by
Oscar Kilo
National Police Wellbeing Service
Reading time
5 mins

Next week, 22 January, we will be launching our new seven days of healthy eating programme, developed by nutritionist Anna Earl, it's a great way to kick start your healthy eating plan.

Healthy eating is a challenge for lots of people – but it can be even harder to manage if you work in policing. 

Seeking out unhealthy foods after a traumatic incident or challenging shift is common and understandable. It’s a short-term fix, though. Highly processed meals such as takeaways have a negative long-term impact. It’s easy for your partner/family member to get into bad habits, especially since junk food is widely available. Breaking the link between fatigue, lifelong habits, work-related stress and poor food choices isn’t easy. 

This seven day programme aims to give you some helpful, practical ideas and Anna shares some nutritious recipes to build your stock of healthy eating go-to dishes. You can follow the plan on our social media accounts and on our website.


How to get started

For recipes, resources and more, go to seven days of healthy eating.

Find out more

For more great nutrition advice visit our nutrition for wellbeing programme.