Bluelight live alcohol experiment 2025

Published 20 Nov 2024
Written by
Maria Fox
Former Chief Superintendent
Reading time
5 mins

For the third year we are proud to support the Live Alcohol experiment initiative developed by former Chief Superintendent Maria Fox and now led by Inspector Irene Laycock from GMP. If you are looking to reduce your alcohol intake or just want to do dry January read on and find out how to take part.

Maria Fox and a team of certified coaches are delivering this year’s January initiative supported by a continually expanding team of advocates, wellbeing leads and champions across multiple forces. Led internally by Inspector Irene Laycock, the initiative continues to gain momentum and improve the wellbeing, resilience, health and productivity of serving and retired officers and staff.

Growing in number from 150 for the pilot in January 2023 to over 700 participants from across bluelight services in January 2024, many have experienced and provided testimonials of the incredible benefits that this wellbeing focused approach to the new year affords. Some chose to continue throughout the year whilst others have adopted a more mindful approach to their drinking habits and enjoy improved sleep, lowered stress, weight loss, greater productivity, less anxiety.  One participant reported that she had completely come off medication for depression as her mental health improved immeasurably as she continued her journey beyond January.

The 30 day experiment is based on Annie Grace’s [CEO This Naked Mind] 'free 30 day alcohol experiment’. The 'live alcohol experiment' hosted by the team of coaches, a well qualified consultant surgeon from Barts Health trust and author/expert William Porter, enables participants to get curious about their relationship with alcohol and dig deeper into the benefits of taking some time off the booze to reset habits and improve wellbeing at the beginning of the new year. 

The components of the 'live' experiment is access to daily content, live coaching and comradeship, throughout January with guest experts, authors and speakers where you can ask your questions on subjects like alcohol and sleep, depression, fitness, metabolism, weight loss and so much more.  It will be hosted primarily in a private closed Facebook group where you can share your thoughts, ideas, experiences with others throughout the month as much or as little as you choose. 

The community aspect has been huge success with some saying that has been the biggest factor in helping them to change some of their habits. At the end of January participants will be given the opportunity to join what has now become the alumni community if they want to continue their journey alongside others with quarterly reset opportunities also incorporated in this group to focus on the 30 day themes. 

If you are looking to reduce your alcohol intake or just want to do dry January read on and find out how to take part.

We expect to learn some things we might not already know about alcohol consumption and its effects on so many aspects of our lives whilst also using the month to provide a focus on prioritising health, wellbeing, lowering stress, increasing energy, and improving your sleep and productivity. 

Many of us have discovered that getting curious about our drinking habits, raising awareness and improving our understanding has become a springboard to so much more. 

The experiment itself will involve you taking a break from alcohol for as much of January 2025 as you choose but the more important aspect is participating in the initiative to 'experiment' with an extended but informed break from consuming alcohol – a dry January with a difference! 

Content developed specifically for this initiative by the coaches will be published each day in the Facebook group.  The live coaching will also take place in the Facebook group. 

Giving up alcohol for 30 days will be a challenge, for some more than others. But it will be worth it when at the end of the experiment you have saved money, lost weight and be feeling much better about yourself.

At the end of the experiment, you can choose what you do next – but you’ll be able to make a much more informed decision with what you’ve learnt over the month.

How can you access? 

You can sign up by joining the closed Facebook community group where the daily content, live coaching and sharing experience with other participants will take place. To sign up please scan the QR code below. If you have any issues signing up, please contact your force wellbeing lead and they should be able to assist.

QR code for live alcohol experiment

Registration will be open from Monday 2nd December and during December you will find three short preparation sessions to get you ready to make the most of your experiment before January 1.  There will also be an opportunity to meet coaches and colleagues who participated last year and who will be helping this year. 

What we need from you? 

When you sign up to join, whilst you can use an anonymised FB we will ask for collar/staff numbers and force/agency; this is to protect the integrity and privacy of the group.  It is also open to spouses, family members and retired colleagues but they will need to state the staff/collar/agency of the relevant family member. 

What else? 

If you want to pursue an informed 'dry January' by yourself, this can be done via 'the alcohol experiment' book by Annie Grace or via 'This naked mind companion app' available via app store or playstore, and by signing up within the app for the experiment to start when you would like to start. This is available 365 days a year but it won’t afford you the opportunity of live coaching Q & As or the comradeship of colleagues undertaking alongside. 

The future of the experiment approach in police wellbeing

We are hoping to that beyond January to make all the content available to policing through Oscar Kilo so that it can be accessed by serving or retired colleagues anytime that they want to do the experiment for the first time or revisit it to support them through a month off the booze whatever the reason. 

The benefit of a LIVE experiment 

The benefit of a “LIVE" alcohol experiment is the evening daily “live” sessions delivered by a team of experts and accredited “This Naked Mind coaches” who will be supporting again for January 2025.  They will be active in the FB community answering questions and supporting throughout the whole month. 

This means that during the experiment you’ll be able to ask questions, reach out to others and access daily live coaching to help focus on the topic for the relevant day of the experiment.  This will be a safe space for people to share their journey. 

Before and after the 30 day experiment we will be inviting participants to take part in an anonymous survey on their pre and post experiment experience. 

This experiment does not offer one on one support and is not intended to replace medical or specialist attention.  It is important that you complete the self assessment questionnaire made available in the FB group at the beginning of your journey because if your drinking has reached a point where you need medical detox to stop drinking it can be life threatening to stop completely at the outset. 

If you don’t feel ready to take part in the alcohol experiment, not sure if it is for you, or if you are unsure how to best support a friend, colleague or loved there is other help available. Contact your local wellbeing /occupational health services or get in touch with your GP.

You can also get support from the following charities: