The National Police Wellbeing Service (NPWS) programme consists of a series of coordinated activities, events, and measures to deliver the 'Common Goal for Police Wellbeing' vision, associated change and benefits of a holistic approach to psychological health and wellbeing supporting police forces to sustainably grow and manage their workforce.
What we do
Building workforce capability is intrinsic to growing well. The wellbeing of the organisation, and its individuals, is at the very heart of it.
Through an iterative capability model, the two strategic themes of psychological health and wellbeing and specialist support are delivered through four phases:
Scan and develop
Evidence based research and future capability development. Supported by an expert reference group (ERG) of experts and independent practitioners together in the field of workplace wellbeing to contribute to the success of the NPWS.
Our six, core live services and associated offers.
Assure and evaluate
This is our benefits realisation activity, this includes the national police wellbeing survey and the Blue Light Wellbeing Framework (BLWF).
Communicate and engage
These are activities to support the cultural change and embed wellbeing as daily business within forces and for individuals.
The NPWS programme is also intrinsically linked to and mutually supportive of the Police Covenant and aims to deliver three key organisational benefits; improved performance and effectiveness, improved morale and improved retention. The change this programme is aiming to make is to how people work within those organisations.
A holistic approach
We take a holistic view of police psychological health and wellbeing – from promoting positive psychological health through to prevention and early detection of psychological illness, effective treatment which meets people’s specific needs and, where applicable, clear protocols for either return to work or retirement following recovery.
This model of ‘Promote’, ‘Prevent’, ‘Detect and Support’ and ‘Treat and Recover’ draws on best practice, adapted to address the specific challenges faced by the police family.