Mental health crisis line for policing

We are currently running a proof-of-concept pilot in the North East region for a brand-new 24/7/365 mental health crisis line specifically developed to support police officers and staff.

The confidential and independent line has been created to provide a source of support for officers and staff who are experiencing a mental health crisis or are having suicidal thoughts.

How it works

  • It is a totally confidential and independent 24/7/365 service which is available to police officers and staff, initially within the pilot region.
  • It is a self-referral service for officers and staff in mental health crisis that provides in-the-moment support to keep them safe and stable.
  • When someone rings, their call will be answered by a qualified counsellor trained in suicide prevention and experienced in helping people who work in the emergency services.
  • The counsellors are also supported by a team of experienced, expert clinicians who can provide additional support if needed.
  • This line is specially designed for police officers and staff. It is not a referral service or to be passed on to members of the public.


Testing the service

This is such a critical and important service, it's essential that we properly assess the need and demand. Therefore, the line is being tested initially with a limited number of forces so we can really understand the use of the line to be sure we’re providing the most effective service.

The line was made live in the pilot region in June this year which includes Northumbria, Cleveland, Humberside, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, and Durham constabularies. At this moment in time while in proof-of-concept phase, the line is only accessible through these force areas.


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Service Director for the National Police Wellbeing Service, Andy Rhodes said;

"Policing is a unique and rewarding but sometimes very challenging job. It is a profession associated with high levels of stress, fatigue and trauma exposure. This can take its toll on your mental health.


“But things can get really tough for lots of different reasons – it’s not always about the job. Our officers and staff deserve to have access to reliable mental health support when they are in crisis – no matter the cause.


“This line is about saving lives. It’s about providing officers and staff with a place to go when they are in crisis.”


The proof-of concept will run until March 2025. The service will be continually assessed and a decision made about extending this to other forces made as soon as possible.