Cancer, work and you: Returning to work

Event date 13 Oct 2022
Date: 13 Oct 2022
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Duration: 2 hours

Join us for our second webinar on cancer, work and you. This event, lead by Chief Inspector Catherine Pritchard, will look at individual experiences, what to expect from work, how to support colleagues and what support is expected of line managers.  

What does it cost?
This webinar is free to attend
Who's it for?
Individuals who have gone through or are going through cancer, their family members, their colleagues, line managers and HR representatives.
How will the session be run?
The session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams
What if I miss it?
Similar events will take place in the future and if you cannot attend this event but wish to talk about your experiences with us please get in touch via the contact us page on our website.

One in two of us will get cancer. This shocking statistic shows how important it is to get the support right for our people, to make the time off work and the return to work as easy as possible.

Catherine Pritchard, who has recovered from breast cancer, is now leading the work Oscar Kilo are doing to support forces, line managers, and individuals who are affected by cancer.

She has already hosted a webinar with us earlier this year talking about her own experience, through her diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, and how her own force supported her.

The webinar will give you the opportunity to hear from Catherine and will include a section around returning to work and how to make this a smooth and stress free process for everyone. There will be presentations by Steve Jones and Vicky Male who will talk about their cancer journeys and their contrasting back to work experiences.

In this event, Catherine will include a section around returning to work and will talk about how to make this a smooth and stress free process for everyone.

During this session, Catherine would like to hear from individuals who have had a cancer diagnosis, what your experience was, how you were treated by work (when you were off sick and when you returned), and investigate where forces are doing well and where improvements could be made.

We would also like to encourage line managers and HR representatives to join us, to hear from their colleagues who have had cancer, understand the support they need, improve processes and help us to learn and develop some national advice and guidance.

Your speakers:

Chief Inspector Catherine Pritchard


Catherine Pritchard is a chief inspector from Cheshire Constabulary who recovered from breast cancer five years ago after a series of chemotherapy and a double mastectomy.

With Stephen, she will talk candidly about the positive and negative experiences with the aim of making the workplace part of the recovery.

Find out more about Catherine by reading her blog: 

Blog: Breast cancer and me



Steve Jones

Stephen Jones is a chief superintendent in South Wales Police who discovered he had testicular cancer at the age of 46.

He commenced his treatment at the beginning of the COVID pandemic and encountered a wide range of positive and negative experiences on his journey back to fitness and a return to work.

As a result of these lived experiences, Stephen is using his experiences as a senior police officer to try and make subtle but important changes to the way the service supports colleagues through illness, raise awareness and remove embarrassment when discussing personal health issues.



Vick Male Cancer webinar speaker

Vicky Male works as an HR assistant at Cheshire Constabulary, she has three children, two Labradors, and one husband. 

Vicky found ‘the lump’ Christmas 2020 and thought it was odd but put it down to peri-menopause and as she was not due for a breast screening she put it to the back of her mind. Early in 2021, she visited her GP as the lump was getting bigger. Vicky said: "What happened next is a blur - after a mammogram and rather painful biopsy, I was diagnosed with aggressive ductal breast cancer." 

A comprehensive schedule of chemo, operations, reconstruction surgery, radiotherapy, tests, and consultant visits followed until Vicky's last oncology appointment in December 2021. 

Vicky is now back at work full-time, her return to work has been smooth mainly because of the support from her line manager and colleagues. Vicky said: "I’m not the same person as I was before the lump, but I’m here. I’m happy and I will embrace the future and hopefully help others to achieve the same."

Watch the recording

If you missed the session, the main body of the webinar was recorded (excluding Q and A) and is available below.


Date: 13 Oct 2022
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Duration: 2 hours