This resource is intended to act as a platform to encourage officers and staff not only to be more self-aware, but also encourage thinking and discussion on how systems and processes could work better to support officers and staff and provide an opportunity for signposting and support.
The package should be used in a setting where open conversation can take place, whether this be in person or as part of a virtual session. These sessions should be facilitated by an experienced wellbeing lead, or peer supporter who can actively signpost people to sources of support if needed or into the resources available via Oscar Kilo.
The full film and package, if you wish to use it in your force, can be requested using the contact form on the website.
When you request the film, you will also be issued with some further information about using the package and some communications messaging and images to help you promote your sessions locally.
Any enquires about the package can be directed to the team using the contact form.